Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Life of a Bait fish.

I always thought that swimming with sharks was some kind of metaphor for someone who was trying to fight to survive in a vicious business environment. I never thought that I would ever see it used in a literal sense. Then the other night I watching the discovery channel I think it was- there was a guy who was declaring his love of anything and everything sharky. No matter the species, he said that he would swim with any kind that would ummmm, have him I guess. Forgoing Balls for brains I decided that I would take a quick peek at some of the oceans less than popular residents.

The Mako:

These little Buggers- (Yeah right.. Little) can be found in waters all across the globe and have been known to be as diverse as they are unpredictable. Some live in colder temperatures, some thrive in warmer climates, but the vast majority are found in waters around Tahiti. While people aren’t a part of a Mako’s diet they have been known to become extremely aggressive and even attack whenever humans enter into their environment. A common misconception seems to be that because it is a smaller shark than most, a Mako isn’t widely viewed as any real danger, nothing could be further from the truth. Although a Mako’s diet consists mainly of tuna, herring and swordfish, they WILL attack whatever gets their attention, and while migrating or hunting they have been known to hit speeds of up to 60 MPH in the water. Making them the fastest sharks in the ocean today. ~ For more information visit ~

The Blue Shark

Picky eaters- they’re not. Basically whatever enters into the water becomes a part of the buffet. They prefer squid as their primary dietary supplement but will basically eat anything, they are fast and agile swimmers and although you find them in very deep waters they have been known to travel great distances to find the food. And perhaps the single most import thing to remember- when you see one, it is very likely that they have a few friends close by. Blues travel in small groups.. And they do like people.. And no, not in a good way.

The Great White

Holy crap! Did you see the smile on that guy? Popularly known as the garbage disposal of the deep, these little rascals are very, very, VERY aggressive. They have an amazing sense of smell and it is believed that they can smell a single drop of blood in the water. They have a ferocious appetite, and a full grown Great White will dine on a wide variety of ocean delicacies ranging from fish, other sharks, seals and sea lions, and if they can’t get their chompers around some live prey- the will eat whatever the can get dead or otherwise. And they are NOT afraid of people! Cute little buggers though aren't they?

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